Shaybis Nigeria, LTD

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The situation in Ilorin, Kwara State is similar to that of many communities in Nigeria: The majority of the population has no access to any form of electricity or adequate job skills training. As a result, unemployment has reached 18% and extends across all strata of the society. Furthermore, a large portion of university graduates do not possess the skills and abilities needed to be employed in industry or start their own businesses.

The existing technical schools in Kwara State are in an extreme state of decay, and most post-secondary institutions of higher learning lack the materials, tools, and dedicated trainers to help train employable graduates. A survey conducted by Shaybis Nigeria Ltd (SNL) found that less than 25% electrical engineering graduates could solder or perform basic electronics assembly tasks.

In 2018, the ISV Education Committee awarded Shaybis Nigeria Ltd $57,000 USD with the support of IEEE Power & Energy Society to establish a series of vocational training programs focused on electrical and electronics skills. The objective will be to provide recent engineering graduates and other community members relevant skills to increase their employment opportunities and ability to become micro-entrepreneurs. To decrease the current gender gap in social equality and representation in STEM fields, the program will also offer incentives for women entrepreneurs and trainees.

SNL is currently renovating a facility at Technology Incubation Hub in Ilorin, which was provided by the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. The program has also established partnerships with major equipment and software vendors, including Schneider Electrical and Autodesk, to provide authorized training and certification in computer aided design (CAD), code-compliant wiring, electronics repair, computer programming, installation of solar and wind equipment, and other electrical disciplines resulting in immediate employment opportunities.

Funding for SNL will establish vocational training centers in the Kwara state. To foster the local expansion of solar power systems, training will address the installation of code compliant electrical wiring, and the safe deployment and maintenance of solar power panels and battery plants. To encourage women to participate in this training, women will receive a discount on their enrollment fees.


Population to be reached 12,000 people in 14 villages with projected expansion to 300,000 people across West Bengal
Desires expressed by local community Quality education, IT training, reliable electricity, vocational training, improved healthcare and transportation, increased agricultural productivity through technology
Number of schools 14 pre-school, 14 elementary, 3 primary, 2 secondary, 2 IT-focused
Percentage of educated youth who return to their home villages Around 50%
Numbers of students per school 50 per elementary school, 150 per primary, 500 per secondary
Immediate needs of schools ICT classes, textbooks, water, sanitation, internet access, after-school programs, vocational training
Adult literacy rate Men: 45% | Women: 32%
Jobs to be created Solar installation, ICT applications, agricultural machinery operation/maintenance, water purification, sanitation maintenance
Technologies & education provided IT training hub, online academy for computer-based education, digital skills acquisition, and vocational training for schools and community centers