Education Committee

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The current Education Committee leadership was formally announced in June and July 2020, following the appointment of John Nelson to replace Ray Larsen as ISVx President. We identified the following priorities, building on the work of Olga Anderson as previous Chair of the Committee:

  • To identify a clear mission and articulate objectives to support the mission of ISVx, focused on investing in human capital both in local communities around the world, as well as in our ISVx institutional team
  • To set priorities that will allow us to stay focused, in collaboration with ISVx leadership and other ISVx committees (see priorities)
  • To bring closure to the 2019 PES Education grants and prepare presentations and reports including best practices, lessons learned, and institutional implications
  • To continue the tradition of biweekly meetings that Olga created as a forum for sharing stories, programs, resources, and information both from the field as well as from the leadership of ISVx, and
  • To provide networking and guidance for the launch of a youth network in collaboration with the three regional working groups: Africa, South Asia, and Latin America.

The next priorities Ed Com defined include:

  • Investing in human capital for the sustainability of ISV development projects.
  • Our principal target is the SV entrepreneur and her/his team, whom we are defining as agents of transformation.
  • Holistic development is further defined as electrification and/or connectivity plus education (including education for entrepreneurship)
  • EdComm is a forum/clearinghouse for sharing and disseminating educational, training, and other best practices in the ISV program.
  • Create a repository of [curricula and pedagogical tools], program descriptions [and reports], and contact information to facilitate sharing within the ISV [community]

Dave Lansdale