Summary of CSI “Open Source” Products

Home / News / Summary of CSI “Open Source” Products
Posted On: 11.08.2010

Here is the summary status on developing “Open Source” low cost sustainable energy technologies for applications in the rural areas of developing countries.

Light Cycle:  Version 1 is nearing completion. One hour of pedaling provides 160 hours of reading quality light by charging a bank of 10 AA rechargeable batteries. Gonzaga is working on an open source current limiter so that Light Cycle can charge larger (18 AH and 80 AH) batteries even when they are deeply discharged. All plans will be openly published with no patent restrictions.

Solar Suitcase:  Hal Aaronson has shared parts, sources, test results, experience on the solar suitcase.

Wind Turbine: The first version is up and  running. Check out the youtube:

Solar power refrigerator:  A project has just started at Gonzaga University.  Think of the impact on energy plans if a large part of the AC and cooling and freezing load can be handled directly from solar energy without even requiring electricity.

1 KW Solar Charging Station: Open source plans are complete. The business plans are also open.  Qualified engineers are available to build the pilots. We have commitments from IEEE HTC and IEEE NPSS to purchase parts.  For Haiti  we have a letter from the Haiti Minister of Public Works endorsing our approach.


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