North America Working Group
Since the NAWG was created in December 2020, we have been working hard to identify and attract viable projects to help develop and explore how they can be implemented with the help of ISVx.
We have started to schedule speakers, especially those with possible low cost and/or low-tech solutions. The first such presentation was Visala Tallavarjula, a sophomore at UCSB pursuing Environmental Studies BA and is also taking Political Science classes through UC Centre this Summer, who spoke about her award-winning water irrigation project. Visala was joined by Ayushi Sharma from SunMoksha , who conducted the tests, including sensors and IoT. This research is being done at the agriculture centre at an University.
At our June meeting, David Kankam, from the Project Development Committee, gave an overview of the criteria and answered questions from the project representatives as well as the Committee members. The project representatives will be invited to attend our meetings to start the development process.
The Committee is identifying possible project, and so far, three distinct ones are being reviewed as follows:
- University of Calgary: to explore and develop templates of engaging university students to identify challenges in a community and work together on possible solutions. The template will be available to other universities throughout North America.
- Dine College: The College have several projects, but the Entrepreneurs Hub maybe a starting point for the Committee, and
- Sedona Greenhouse: Community based education program for greenhousing and ecotourism, Indigenous Medicines, and other vegetables to encourage a community to learn, grow and sell produce.
The NAWG is on target to achieve its goals, and will continue to increase its membership, discover projects and make an impact on the lives of many entrepreneurs.
Our Committee Members are:
- Joan Kerr and Ashok Das: Co-Chairs
- Ayushi Sharma, Secretary
- Ray Larsen
- Rajan Kapur
- Wei-Jen Lee
- Sai Tallavarjula
Joan Kerr